American Art Museum

YES, this is still the first day in D.C.!  Almost dead, we zombie shuffled over to the Smithsonian American Art Museum next...

Adams Memorial (1886)
"Clover" Adams, wife of the writer Henry Adams, committed suicide. Adams commissioned Augustus Saint-Gaudens to create a memorial that would express the Buddhist idea of nirvana, a state of being beyond joy and sorrow. This reflects the search for new insights by Adams, his wife, and their circle of friends, after the violence of the Civil War and emerging theories of Darwin cast doubt on their traditional beliefs.

No idea why this was
here, but an Elvis Head
Jug. Funny.
 Oddly enough, we don't have many pictures from the American Art Museum. There were some neat things, but not as much as one might expect. Some of the areas did not allow photography. For the REALLY cool art museums, wait till we get to New York!

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